
Best Home Office Setup for Productivity

best home office setup for productivity

Take it from someone who worked from home throughout several years of law school: working from home is a great way to take control of your career. Many people are able to increase productivity by working at home because it cuts down on usual workplace distractions. In order to get the most out of working […]

5 TED Talks About Habits

If you learn well by watching TED talks and are in need of some education on habits, then here are some helpful picks for you.

16 Quotes on the Power of Habit

Habits.  They are hard to break, and hard to make.  A habit is an extremely powerful force in our lives because when something is a habit, we no longer think about it – we just do it. Why Worry About Habits? Our days are made up of dozens of little habits.  From the time we […]

Think Win-Win: Stephen Covey and the Abundance Mentality

abundance mentality covey

Do you feel threatened by the success of others? Do you worry that there isn’t enough success to go around? According to Stephen Covey, cultivating an abundance mentality is how to beat the feeling that when others win you automatically lose. Who Is Stephen Covey? Stephen Covey, the author of the 7 Habits of Highly […]

16 Abundance Mentality Quotes to Help You Cultivate a Life of Success

Abundance mentality

If you know me, you probably know that I’m a big fan of Stephen Covey. In 1988, Covey coined the term abundance mentality to define a concept in which a person believes that there are enough resources and successes to be shared with others. In contrast, the scarcity mentality states that when a person believes […]

How to Use Teamwork to Increase Productivity

Increase productivity

I’m the type of entrepreneur who likes to do it all. I find it tempting to get involved with every project and deal with every problem personally. I have to curb this instinct, however, to avoid getting burned out and reap the benefits of having a competent team working with me. In your business or […]

How You Can Avoid Creating a “Likelihood of Confusion”

Likelihood of Confusion

There’s no doubt you have put a lot of effort into your business and your brand. If you’ve been following my blog and podcast, you’ll know that you need to create a unique and distinctive brand to avoid creating a likelihood of confusion with other brands in your industry. When courts consider trademark infringement cases, […]