Would You Take Neil Patel's $100,000 Challenge?

February 23, 2016 by
Would You Take Neil Patel's $100,000 Challenge?
Jacob Tingen

If you're in to online marketing at all, someone you should be following--if you're not already--is Neil Patel.

I learn a lot from Neil and by applying the strategies he recommends.

About 8 or 9 months ago, Neil posted to his blog at Quicksprout that anyone could make a million dollar business within one year. To show you how you too can build a $1,000,000 business within one year, Neil offered to launch a new business, make $1,000,000, and post monthly updates on his progress and how he got there.

Well, it's been an interesting experiment--he's not quite done with it, but it's been fascinating to watch.

One thing that has been lacking--for me at least--has been a place to look up all the posts about this project so that I can go back and reference them when it's convenient for me. I'll also sometimes refer existing web marketing clients to the project, and I didn't have a clear and easy page to find that maps out all the progress Neil is making.

So, here goes, a simple page with links to every article on this project, in chronological order:

How to Make $100,000 a Month Within 1 Year

How to Generate $100,000 a Month from a Brand New Blog

A Setback on the $100k a Month Challenge

How I'm Going to Achieve the $100k a Month Challenge without Using My Name

How to Generate $1,000,000 from Your Blog

The $100,000 Challenge: May Update

The $100,000 Challenge: June Update

The $100,000 Challenge: July Update

The $100,000 Challenge: August Update

The $100,000 Challenge: September Update

The $100,000 Challenge: October Update

The $100,000 Challenge: November Update

The $100,000 Challenge: December Update

The $100,000 Challenge: January Update

The $100,000 Challenge: February Update

The $100,000 Challenge: March Update

I'll be adding the new posts as they come out. This is a fascinating project, as I'm sure you'll agree once you get to reading the posts above.

And it's also inspiring.

So if you've wanted to start a new business and make $1,000,000 after a year, there's no better time to get started than now.